Karthik online training

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Hi Guys..
I came up with today's topic..

About SOQL

SOQL Stands of Salesforce object query language, Using SOQL we will retrieve the data from Single object and their related objects. SOQL are similar to SQL queries but it is designed specifically for Salesforce.

Syntax of SOQL:
                Select field1,field2,field3----- from object

Our list will return the list data and it's in order format.
If we want we can add the conditions to your Select query.


Single where Condition
Select field1,field2,field3----- from object where Condition1           
select id,Name,Phone from Account

Multiple conditions:
            Select field1,field2,field3----- from object where Condition1 AND Condition 2-----etc
            Select id,Name,Phone from Account where Name=’IBM’ AND Name = ‘CSC’

Like Operator:
Using of this like operator we will match the key value.

Ex:       Select field1,field2,field3----- from object where Field  LIKE ‘%key%’
            Select id,Name,Phone from Account where Name LIKE ‘%IBM%’
In the Name wherever it find the IBM text it will fetch all the value.

Ascending order:
We can sort the SOQL result in Ascending order.

Ex: Select field1,field2,field3----- from object Order BY Field asc
       Select id,Name,Phone from Account Order BY Name asc;

Descending order:
We can sort the SOQL result in Descending order.

Ex: Select field1,field2,field3----- from object Order BY Field desc
       Select id,Name,Phone from Account Order BY Name desc;

 Using of limit statement we will limit the Values
      Ex: Select field1, field2, field3----- from object limit 5
In the above query we will retrieve 5 Records from the object.
            Select id, Name, Phone from Account limit 5;
In the above query we will retrieve 5 Records from the object.

Count ();
Using of the count method we will calculate the number of values return in the query.

EX:       Select Count () from object


  1. you are doing good job and its very useful to me thank you somuch brother

  2. Thank you Dileep.. Everyday we will post one concept from Salesforce.
